David is being recognized for multiple foundational innovations in nuclear theory, including in lattice quantum chromodynamics, effective field theories, and nuclear strangeness, and for strategic leadership to broaden participation between nuclear theory and other fields.
News and Announcements
David is being recognized for advancing the frontiers of understanding nature's fundamental symmetries via unprecedented precision studies of the muon, including its lifetime, its anomalous magnetic moment, and its measurement by the pseudoscalar coupling constant.
In 2021 the Isaac Pomeranchuk Prize is awarded to Professor Larry McLerran (the Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington Seattle, USA) in recognition of his pioneering contributions to modern understanding of quantum chromodynamics at high energy density and laying the theoretical foundations of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions and Prof. Aleksei Starobinskiy (Landau Institute, Chernogolovka) for his research in the field of gravitation and cosmology, including the development of the theory of the inflationary stage in the early Universe.
Jens Gundlach, Eric Adelberger, and Blayne Heckel are Co-Winners of the 2021 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for their work on Tabletop Gravity experiments.
Theoretical physicist Gordon Baym, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will receive the 2021 American Physical Society (APS) Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research. Baym will be recognized for his seminal contributions to several fields of physics in early 2021.