Past Programs and Workshops


Collaboration Meeting
  • Andrew W. Steiner

The 2025 NP3M Collaboration Meeting will be held in-person at the Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington's Seattle campus March 24-25, 2025.

This meeting is sponsored by NP3M and NSF.

  • Ubirajara van Kolck
  • Vincenzo Cirigliano
  • Thomas Papenbrock
  • Maria Piarulli
The development of effective field theories (EFTs) and "ab initio" many-body methods (AIMs) over the last three decades or so has provided an exquisite description of many nuclear observables, but also exposed significant problems. The most popular approach follows the original prescription by Weinberg, where the nuclear potential is expanded in the same way as amplitudes in Chiral Perturbation Theory, and the potential truncated at some order is solved for exactly to produce nuclear amplitudes. Unfortunately it is now known that this approach produces unrenormalized nuclear amplitudes. Moreover, AIMs have reached such a level of sophistication that they now expose various shortcomings of the interactions they use as input, such as instability at LO beyond the alpha particle, the need of high orders for a good description of light nuclei mostly through the delicate adjustment of short-range interactions rather than pion exchange, difficulties to simultaneously describe light and medium-mass nuclei, and nuclear-matter saturation only when three-body forces are included at subleading orders.
Collaboration Meeting
  • Chris Fryer
  • Falk Herwig
  • Erika Holmbeck
  • Alison Laird
  • Frank Timmes
  • Leah Broussard
  • Andreas Crivellin
  • Martin Hoferichter
  • Sergey Syritsyn
The key goal of the workshop is to bring together experts from experiment, effective field theory, lattice QCD, and high-energy physics (including beyond-the-Standard-Model physics) to develop strategies to extract the maximum amount of information on the New Physics landscape from current and future experiments testing baryon number violation. In particular, the objective is to constrain Wilson coefficients in Standard Model effective field theory, including renormalization group corrections, and, crucially, robust uncertainty quantification from nuclear matrix elements, and to evaluate the impact on theories beyond the Standard Model such as Grand Unified Theories.


  • James Huffman
  • Dany Page
  • Peter Rau
  • Sanjay Reddy
  • Hendrik Schatz
The interiors of neutron stars are inaccessible to direct observation. Measurements of gross properties- mass and radius- can help us constrain properties such as the dense matter equation of state, but provide little insight into properties such as composition, transport and magnetic fields. The electromagnetic emission from neutron star surfaces, magnetospheres and accretion disks is the primary way we are able to infer interior properties of neutron stars. This emission critically depends on the thermal and magnetic evolution of neutron stars. In turn, the thermal and magnetic evolution can be deeply linked, especially for strongly-magnetized stars. This problem necessitates a multidisciplinary approach including experts from many fields.
  • Masha Baryakhtar
  • Charles Horowitz
  • Cole Miller
  • M. Alessandra Papa
The opening of the gravitational wave sky is an historic time.  LIGO has detected transient signals from merging black holes and neutron stars. This workshop aims to detect continuous gravitational wave signals from rotating neutron stars or new physics.
  • Andrea Bergschneider
  • Stefano Gandolfi
  • Sofia Quaglioni
The goal of this program is to bring together experts from the nuclear physics (NP), atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics, and quantum information science (QIS) communities to foster interdisciplinary research, advance discovery into the physics of quantum few- and many-body systems and explore challenges and opportunities in the application of emerging quantum technologies to the simulations of low-dimensional and few-body systems.
  • Mari Carmen Banuls
  • Susan Coppersmith
  • Calvin Johnson
  • Caroline Robin
Sponsored by the InQubator for Quantum Simulation
  • Philippe Landry
  • Carolyn Raithel
  • Salvatore Vitale
  • Constantinos Constantinou
  • Sophia Han
  • Tianqi Zhao
The next generation of gravitational-wave (GW) observatories – such as the Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer – will detect hundreds of thousands of neutron star (NS) mergers per year. Future facilities for electromagnetic (EM) astronomy will enable hundreds of joint GW-EM observations per year, and also measure neutron star masses and radii with greater precision. With key insights from new nuclear experiments and advances in nuclear theory, the next-generation detector era promises  unprecedented constraints on the supranuclear equation of state (EOS) in the 2030s. However, significant cross-disciplinary challenges exist that need to be tackled to extract all of the available information. Indeed, in nearly all of the steps necessary to infer the properties of dense matter from observational data, significant and challenging modeling is required. This workshop will bring all of the parties with relevant expertise to the INT.
  • Yang-Ting Chien
  • Magdalena Djordjevic
  • Ivan Vitev
Heavy ion (HI) physics is at a pivotal point. The US-based experimental program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is expected to end in 2025 with the construction of the next-generation nuclear physics facility - the Electron Ion Collider (EIC). In Europe, collisions of ultra-relativistic nuclei are part of the high luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) Run after the upcoming Long Shutdown. Thus, it is crucial to have a community-wide discussion about the accomplishments and future of heavy ion theory in the EIC era. Over nearly four decades, the field has pushed the limits of perturbative and lattice QCD, thermal field theory, small-x physics and gluon saturation, relativistic hydrodynamics and transport models, jets and heavy flavor theory. Many of these research directions have their natural extension in the studies of hadronic structure and cold nuclear matter properties at the EIC, but planning for program co-existence and transition in the future has thus far been limited.
  • Martha Constantinou
  • Christopher Monahan
  • Alexander Rothkopf
  • Ingo Tews
This workshop will bring together practitioners working on inference problems in fields across theoretical nuclear physics and astrophysics to address new developments in, and approaches to, tackling inverse problems and uncertainty quantification in fields across theoretical nuclear physics and astrophysics. Collectively, these topics are crucial to extract reliable information on fundamental properties of strong interactions and nuclear matter from experimental and observational data. This, in turn, is key to reliable predictions for nuclear systems ranging from quarks and gluons to neutron-rich nuclei, neutron stars, and beyond-the-standard-model physics like neutrinoless double-beta decay.
  • Julie Bessac
  • Ian Cloët
  • Nobuo Sato
  • Emil Constantinescu
A key goal for this program is to have a significant impact on the synergy between theory and experiment in nuclear physics, and drive collaboration with other fields, that over time could have a transformational impact on nuclear physics. A key outcome of this program will be a brief white paper that reports of the key ideas and next steps that are developed and explored in this program on QCD at the femtoscale in the era of big data.
  • Yujin Cho
  • Ravi Naik
  • Alessandro Roggero
  • Kyle Wendt
Sponsored by the InQubator for Quantum Simulation
  • Anastasia Borschevsky
  • Jon Engel
  • Jason Holt
  • Ronald Garcia-Ruiz
Our aim in this program will be to make theory needs better known to the community, to connect leading nuclear theorists with theoreticians in other relevant fields such as molecular, atomic, and fundamental particle physics, and to facilitate interaction between theorists and those doing experiments. With this program, we hope to foster long-lasting collaborations among theorists in diverse fields and between theorists and experimentalists who are planning next-generation searches.  The design of the program will be specifically oriented to give participants from different fields ample time to learn each other’s theoretical approaches, implement new ideas, and generate computational code. Both nuclear and atomic/molecular theory are also critical for planning future experiments, in particular for identifying the best molecules, and our ultimate goal will be to provide guidance for the construction of these new experiments.
  • Kaori Fuyuto
  • Ciprian Gal
  • Sonny Mantry
The Electron Ion Collider (EIC) will provide a unique opportunity to probe nucleon structure, conduct precision tests of the electroweak sector, and constrain physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Such studies are facilitated by the planned high luminosity, polarized electron and ion beams, and variable center of mass collision energy combined with a hermetic detector design for a large kinematic coverage. Furthermore, the proposed accelerator and detector design is expected to significantly reduce systematic uncertainties, allowing for improved precision tests and sensitivity to new physics.


  • Joshua Barrow - Lead Organizer
  • Noemi Rocco
  • Michael Wagman
The scope of this workshop is to bring together nuclear and particle theorists and define a strategy to better ascertain theory-related uncertainties. Assessing how nuclear EFTs can be extended to account for processes characterized by momentum and energy scales larger than the pion mass and what the associated uncertainties of great relevance are for the nuclear physics community. Fostering detailed discussions about uncertainty quantification in neutrino-nucleus scattering theory, including comparisons to electron scattering experiments as pioneered by the e4ν initiative, will strengthen the self-consistent application of precision nuclear theory to neutrino experiments and more broadly.
  • Hannah Bossi
  • Yacine Mehtar-Tani
  • Felix Ringer
This workshop will bring together theorists and experimentalists to discuss recent theoretical tools, new measurements at the LHC and RHIC, and explore the impact of the sPHENIX experiment which started taking data in 2023. In addition, the workshop will focus on the closely related scientific program at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC).
  • A. Gorshkov
  • N. Mueller
  • R. Venugopalan
  • N. Yunger Halpern
Sponsored by the InQubator for Quantum Simulation
  • Jinfeng Liao
  • Mikhail Stephanov
  • Zhangbu Xu
  • Ho-Ung Yee
As the continuation of the INT program of the same name held virtually in 2020, this 1-week workshop is dedicated to gathering the community interested in the novel physics of chirality and criticality in nuclear physics and beyond. The discussion will focus on the progress achieved in the last three years, as well as on the future developments and prospects, in particular, related to confronting the upcoming results of the experimental data analysis.
  • George Fuller
  • Gail McLaughlin
  • David Radice
  • Kate Scholberg
Neutrino physics and the origin of the elements are topics intimately linked to each other and are both central to progress in the emerging revolution in multi-messenger astrophysics. Multi-messenger (gravitational waves, photons across the electromagnetic spectrum, and particles) observations of binary neutron star mergers and supernovae present a tremendous opportunity for new breakthroughs not only in our understanding of the fundamental astrophysical mechanisms that drive these phenomena but also of the origin of the elements and neutrino physics.
  • Katerina Chatziioannou
  • Jorge Piekarewicz
  • Anna Watts
“How does subatomic matter organize itself?” and “What are the new states of matter at exceedingly high density and temperature?” are two of the central questions animating nuclear science today. Neutron stars are cosmic laboratories uniquely poised to answer these fundamental questions in this new era of multimessenger astronomy. Enormous progress in theory, experiment, and observation make this new era particularly fruitful for the determination of the equation of state of neutron-rich matter.
  • H. Gharibyan
  • M. Hanada
  • J. Liu
  • E. Rinaldi
  • Y. Su
  • B. Swingle
Sponsored by the InQubator for Quantum Simulation
  • Vincenzo Cirigliano
  • Phiala Shanahan
  • Ragnar Stroberg
The Precision Frontier plays a unique role in the quest for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), through (i) searches for rare or SM-forbidden processes that probe approximate or exact symmetries of the Standard Model; (ii) high precision measurements of SM-allowed processes.  Experiments at the precision frontier often involve hadrons and nuclei and assessing the impact of positive or null searches requires a rigorous interface between nuclear and particle physics, linking the new physics to the hadronic and nuclear scale, where in turn one needs non-perturbative methods such as lattice gauge theory and nuclear many-body theory.  
  • Bhaskar Dutta
  • Jayden Newstead
  • Vishvas Pandey
This workshop aims to advance efforts to identify and characterize the interplay between nuclear, neutrino, and beyond the standard model (BSM) physics signatures at the tens of MeV scale. We aim to bring together experts from the nuclear, neutrino, and BSM community, both theorists and experimentalists who have the common goal of understanding these interactions. 
  • Simon Catterall
  • Glen Evenbly
  • Yannick Meurice
  • Alessandro Roggero
Tensor network methods are rapidly developing and evolving in many areas of quantum physics. They offer new ways of computing the properties of strongly interacting quantum matter. They provide new perspectives on theories with sign problems and/or significant entanglement. Tensor network ideas are also closely related to emerging efforts to design algorithms suitable for current and future quantum computing hardware or quantum simulation experiments. This workshop will bring together experts from a range of scientific fields with a common interest in these new methods.
  • Raúl Briceño
  • Gernot Eichmann
  • Alessandro Pilloni
Even though QCD is the underlying theory of nuclear interactions, its direct connection with various nuclear phenomena remains unclear. The fundamental questions about the role of the quark-gluon dynamics, confinement and the generation of mass remain qualitative at best. The vast majority of hadrons are unstable and in experimental measurements appear indirectly via complicated distributions of decay products. This poses substantial challenges in interpreting the experimental data and analyzing the spectrum of QCD experimentally as well as theoretically. In recent years new high-quality data from experimental facilities, together with rapid developments in ab-initio theoretical applications, have enabled us to address the most formidable questions regarding the formation of QCD bound states.
  • Aleksey Cherman
  • Lukasz Fidkowski
  • Srimoyee Sen
  • Igor Shovkovy
This workshop aims to bring together a group of particle theorists, nuclear theorists, and condensed matter theorists to discuss recent developments on the study of matter beyond the Landau paradigm, such as topological phases of various sorts.  The study of these states of matter has transformed our understanding of phase transitions and brought together insights from different subfields of physics. These developments have applications in several areas of research in high energy, nuclear, and condensed matter physics including large N gauge theories, the QCD phase diagram, lattice field theory and topological quantum computing.  
  • Giuliano Giacalone
  • Jiangyong Jia
  • Dean Lee
  • Jaki Noronha‐Hostler
Until now, the communities of high-energy heavy-ion physics and of low-energy nuclear structure physics have been largely disconnected. To model and understand the evolution of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), heavy-ion physics requires some input from nuclear structure physics that is typically simplified or assumed to be well-known. However, over the past decade both our understanding of the evolution of the QGP and the quality of the experimental data have become good enough to grant sensitivity to the details of the geometry of the colliding ions, and thus challenge the nuclear structure input. Measurements from collisions of 238U or 129Xe nuclei at high energy, for instance, can only be understood via the inclusion of nuclear deformation effects in the theoretical models. The need for a precise modeling of the nuclear structure was additionally emphasized in 2021 by isobar collisions at RHIC, i.e., 96Ru+96Ru and 96Zr+96Zr.


  • Agnieszka Sorensen
  • Dmytro Oliinychenko
  • Scott Pratt
Constraining the dependence of the dense nuclear matter equation of state (EOS) on baryon density is a long-standing problem of nuclear physics. Despite active development in recent years, it is still a challenge for theoretical approaches – primarily hadronic transport simulations – to set constraints on the nuclear matter EOS at high baryon densities using the old (AGS, GSI), recent (RHIC BES FXT, HADES, NSCL), or future experimental results (FAIR, FRIB) on ratios of charged pions, neutron and proton yields and differential flow, charged particle flow, spectra, and femtoscopic correlations. Moreover, the new experiments not only measure these traditional observables with higher precision (and, in some cases, with radioactive beams), but they will also study new observables sensitive to the EOS, such as fluctuations and correlations.
  • Doug Beck
  • Natalie Klco
  • Crystal Noel
  • Joel Ullom

Sponsored by the InQubator for Quantum Simulation.

  • Zein-Eddine Meziani
  • Peter Petreczky
  • Ramona Vogt
Heavy flavor probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma are required to realize the heavy-ion physics programs of the LHC and the new and final RHIC experimental program, sPHENIX. Both these facilities have heavy flavor physics as a priority, with a particularly strong focus on bottomonium and jet production, including heavy flavor jets at sPHENIX.
  • Martha Constantinou
  • Aneesh Manohar
  • Wei Wang
  • Yong Zhao
In this workshop, we will bring together leading experts in hadron physics from the theoretical, phenomenological, and lattice communities. This workshop will promote cross-collaborations on extracting distribution functions and will have profound impact on both theory and experiment.
  • Masha Baryakhtar
  • George Fuller
  • Sanjay Reddy
  • Tien-Tien Yu
This program aims to advance efforts to identify and characterize the observable signatures of dark matter and new physics beyond the standard model (BSM) in compact objects and stars and the complementarity of these signatures with those of terrestrial experiments and cosmological probes. 
  • Daniel Bemmerer
  • Alessandra Guglielmetti
  • Wick Haxton
  • Aldo Serenelli
A precise understanding of nuclear reactions involved in hydrogen burning is a fundamental requirement for solar and stellar modeling. In the last decade, since the INT workshop Solar Fusion cross sections II took place, the need for accurate stellar and solar models has increased significantly. On the one hand, large-scale astronomical surveys have become the common place for studies of Galactic stellar populations, galactic archaeology, and characterization of exoplanet host stars, among other fields.  Moreover, the coming of age of asteroseismology, first with Kepler, now with TESS, and in the mid-term future with PLATO, allows us to study the interior of other stars in a way that had previously only been possible for the Sun.
  • Katerina Chatziioannou
  • Jorge Piekarewicz
  • Anna Watts
This program is truly multidisciplinary as it addresses fundamental questions in fields as diverse as astrophysics, gravitational physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics. The program overarching goal is to capitalize on recent discoveries that have strengthened the connection between nuclear physics an astrophysics, particularly in the area of dense, neutron-rich matter. Among the recent highlights are the most precise determination of the neutron skin of neutron-rich nuclei using electroweak probes, the identification of the most massive neutron star to date, the simultaneous determination of the mass and radius of neutron stars, and the detection of gravitational waves from the binary merger of neutron stars.
  • Sonny Mantry
  • Paul Souder
  • Xiaochao Zheng
The focus of this workshop to fully explore the physics presented by PVDIS and similar measurements with the Solenoid Large Intensity Device (SoLID) at JLab. This not only includes the electroweak standard model study, but also rich hadronic physics topics that can be explored in parallel with or in addition to the main PVDIS measurement. Precision study of some of these hadronic physics topics also ensure accurate interpretation of PVDIS results, such as through radiative corrections. Meanwhile, the prospect of a future positron beam at JLab and an energy upgrade to 24 GeV opens up new exploratory opportunities. By the end of the workshop, we hope to not only strengthen the planned SoLID PVDIS program, but also to expand to these additional topics that can be explored in the near future.
  • Ian Cloët
  • Zein-Eddine Meziani
  • Barbara Pasquini
This workshop will address the question: How does the mass of the nucleon arise? Which is listed first among three high-priority science questions identified by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) report titled An Assessment of U.S.-Based Electron-Ion Collider Science. To effectively address and understand the origin of the nucleon mass at an EIC, significant theoretical and experimental work remains. This workshop will continue to develop the science case around this high-priority science question, and help identify the concrete steps that need to be taken so that the EIC answers what is one of the most fundamental questions in modern science.
  • David Radice
  • Jocelyn Read
  • Luke Roberts
Following the joint gravitational wave and electromagnetic observations of the single binary neutron star merger GW170817, there is now strong evidence that neutron rich ejecta from neutron star mergers produces r- process elements. However, it is still not known if neutron star mergers are the dominant source of r-process elements in our galaxy.
  • Benjamin Nachman
  • Christian Bauer
  • Wibe de Jong
  • Kristan Temme
  • Abhinav Kandala
  • Raphael Pooser

Sponsored by the InQubator for Quantum Simulation.

  • Gaute Hagen
  • Nobuo Sato
  • Phiala Shanahan
Over the last decade there has been significant development in machine learning and artificial intelligence, with supervised and unsupervised computational learning tools now used routinely in scientific applications. Building on this progress, the focus of this program is on the use and future impacts of machine learning in nuclear theory, bringing together researchers with focuses in lattice QCD and statistical systems, hadron and nuclear structure, many-body theory, quantum computing, nuclear astrophysics, and hot and dense matter, to explore common interests in machine learning tools and applications.
  • D. Bemmerer
  • A. Guglielmetti
  • W. Haxton
  • A. Serenelli

Original Workshop Webpage

This workshop has been rescheduled to take place in Berkeley, CA from July 26, 2022 to July 29, 2022.

  • Jordy de Vries
  • Emanuele Mereghetti
  • Maria Piarulli
  • Andre Walker-Loud
In the next decade, an impressive experimental program will test the limits of the Standard Model (SM) and address the most pressing open questions in particle physics, from the nature of dark matter to the origin of neutrino masses, from the dominance of matter over anti-matter in the universe to the absence of strong CP violation and the large hierarchy between the electroweak and the Planck scale.
  • Susan Gardner
  • Wick Haxton
  • Barry Holstein
The workshop will focus on the current status of the data and their theoretical interpretation. An important goal of the workshop is to create a community roadmap for future experimental and theoretical work that will not only determine the Danilov amplitudes but also extract from them a deeper understanding of the interplay of the strong and weak interactions at low energies, thus providing a perspective on new experimental directions as well.


  • I. Cloët
  • Z.-E. Meziani
  • B. Pasquini

Event has been postponed.

  • D. Dean
  • D. Kaplan
  • C. Muschik
  • M. J. Savage

Sponsored by the InQubator for Quantum Simulation.

  • Marco Radici
  • Ralf Seidl
  • Andrea Signori

The workshop addressed questions related to hadronization and its multiple manifestations in high-energy scattering processes. Hadronization is intrinsically connected to fundamental properties of QCD, such as confinement and the dynamical breaking of the chiral symmetry. Moreover, it plays an important role in the context of hadron and nuclear structure studies. In particular, a detailed understanding of hadronization is vital for the optimal preparation of the next generation of experiments, such as the Electron-Ion Collider.

  • Chris Fryer
  • Artemis Spyrou
  • Rebecca Surman
  • Frank Timmes
This program will bring together astronomers, astrophysical modelers, nuclear theorists, and nuclear experimentalists to fully explore the potential of next generation of gamma ray observatories, including building explicit links to the experimental programs at radioactive beam facilities such as the upcoming Facility for Rare Isotope Beams.
  • Eve Armstrong
  • George Fuller
  • Amol Patwardhan
  • Ermal Rrapaj
The focus of this workshop is to advance our understanding of neutrino flavor evolution in dense environments, from the standpoint of theory, computation, and neutrino detection.
  • R. Briceno
  • G. Eichmann
  • A. Pilloni
  • Yacine Mehtar Tani
  • Felix Ringer
  • Marta Verweij
In recent years, jet physics in HIC has become an active field of study largely driven by the unprecedented experimental capabilities of the RHIC and LHC accelerator and detectors. In this context, jet substructure has emerged as a promising multi-dimensional tool to explore QCD dynamics and has already proved to be very useful in the context of heavy ion collisions.
  • Maxwell T. Hansen
  • Etsuko Itou
  • Huey-Wen Lin
  • Konstantinos Orginos


The aim of this school is to introduce students to applications of lattice gauge theory in strongly interacting systems, using a modern teaching style to enhance student learning together with lectures describing the latest advances in the field.

School Topics

  • Simon Catterall
  • Glen Evenbly
  • Yannick Meurice
  • Alessandro Roggero

Tensor network methods are rapidly developing and evolving in many areas of quantum physics. They offer new ways of computing the properties of strongly interacting quantum matter. They provide new perspectives on theories with sign problems and/or significant entanglement. Tensor network ideas are also closely related to emerging efforts to design algorithms suitable for current and future quantum computing hardware or quantum simulation experiments. This program will bring together experts from a range of scientific fields with a common interest in these new methods.

  • J. Liao
  • M. Stephanov
  • Z. Xu
  • H-U. Yee
  • Zohreh Davoudi
  • Andreas Ekström
  • Jason Holt
  • Ingo Tews

A sound theoretical description of nuclear forces is pivotal for understanding many important physical observables over a wide range of energy scales and densities, from few-body physics to nuclear-structure observables to astrophysical phenomena. A systematic and precise theory for nuclear Hamiltonians is crucial to providing accurate predictions for these systems with controlled theoretical uncertainties, and to enable meaningful comparisons of theoretical calculations with experimental data and astrophysical observations.

  • Aleksey Cherman
  • Lukasz Fidkowski
  • Srimoyee Sen
  • Igor Shovkovy
This program aims to bring together the accumulated knowledge of condensed matter physics, particle physics and nuclear physics to facilitate a re-examination of the QCD phase diagram using tools that go beyond the Landau paradigm, and explore further connections between nuclear matter, lattice gauge simulations, and topological Dirac and Weyl semimetals. The program will also highlight new inter-connected developments in condensed matter and QFT, including fractons and their field theory descriptions, higher form symmetries, and symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases involving onsite and spatial symmetries.




  • Aurel Bulgac
  • Michael Forbes
  • Brynmor Haskell