Fragmentation Functions 2021 - Electronic Workshop
Andrea Signori

The workshop addressed questions related to hadronization and its multiple manifestations in high-energy scattering processes. Hadronization is intrinsically connected to fundamental properties of QCD, such as confinement and the dynamical breaking of the chiral symmetry. Moreover, it plays an important role in the context of hadron and nuclear structure studies. In particular, a detailed understanding of hadronization is vital for the optimal preparation of the next generation of experiments, such as the Electron-Ion Collider.
The goal of the workshop was to address questions related to the physics of “fragmentation functions” (FFs), mathematical maps which provide a representation of the hadronization mechanism in momentum space.
Another essential goal of the workshop was to reinforce the collaboration among theoreticians and experimentalists working in the field of hadronization, aiming in particular at defining “common standards” to facilitate analyses of data and comparisons of theoretical results.