Toward an Automated-Algebra framework for Quantum Matter with Quantum Virial Expansion and beyond
S@INT Seminar
The thermodynamics of generic quantum many-body systems is a technically challenging area of research relevant to different fields covering a vast energy range, from condensed matter physics at the low-energy end, atomic systems in the middle, and nuclear and QCD at higher energies. In this talk, we will focus on a system of spin-1/2 fermions with and without external harmonic trapping, using one of the most widely-applied methods in the calculation of the thermodynamics of quantum many-body systems called the Quantum Virial Expansion (QVE). While applications of the QVE have seen successes in systems as different as ultracold atoms and dilute neutron matter, most investigations have been limited to the lowest order due to the increasing complexity of the quantum few-body problem. In our work, we propose and implement a new class of semi-analytic methods named "Automated-Algebra methods", offering higher and more accurate analytic estimations for its coefficients than ever before. We will demonstrate the method mechanism and its implications for the QVE and the general numerical investigations of quantum many-body systems.
This event will take place in the INT seminar room (C-421). All interested graduate students and faculty are invited to attend.
Participants are also welcome to join via Zoom. Zoom link will be available via announcement email, or by contacting: gsj6[at] or prau[at]