Event Schedule

The r-process and the nuclear EOS after LIGO-Virgo's third observing run


All workshop talks will take place in C520.

All time info. is in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7); please convert accordingly.

Please note: By attending a program talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct

Week 1

Monday, May 23, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides
Director's Welcome Sanjay Reddy Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person
EOS from combined theory, experiment, and observations Jeremy Holt Texas A&M Virtual PDF
Neutron star mergers with the Lagrangian Numerical Relativity code SPHINCS_BSSN. Stephan Rosswog Stockholm University Virtual PDF
Numerical relativity simulations and gravitational wave modeling Sebastiano Bernuzzi Jena FSU Virtual PDF
Constraints on the EOS and nuclear symmetry energy from experiments and observations. James Lattimer Stony Brook University In-person PDF
Neutrino processes in hot and dense matter Sanjay Reddy Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person PDF
Bulk viscosity in neutron star mergers Elias Most Princeton University Virtual
New techniques in numerical relativity Zachariah Etienne University of Idaho Virtual PDF
Uncertainty Quantification and the Equation of State of Hot and Dense Matter Andrew Steiner UT Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory In-person PDF

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides
Nonparametric astrophysical inference of the nuclear equation of state and connections to nuclear experiment and theory Reed Essick Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics In-person PDF
Confronting neutron star equation of state to present observational data Jerome Margueron Institut de physique des 2 infinis de Lyon Virtual PDF
New EOS developments for neutron star matter and for finite temperature Achim Schwenk TU Darmstadt Virtual PDF
Post-merger GW emission in BNS mergers and empirical relations for GW asteroseismology Nikolaos Stergioulas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Virtual PDF
The relevance of muons production and neutrino trapping in Binary Neutron Star mergers Eleonora Loffredo Gran Sasso Science Institute In-person PDF
Gravitational wave signals from quark matter with realistic phase transition Yuki Fujimoto Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person PDF
Gravitational-wave signatures of high-density matter and the maximum mass of neutron stars Phillipe Landry Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics In-person PDF
Multimessenger parameter and population inference Richard O'Shaughnessy Rochester Institute of Technology Virtual PDF
DISCUSSION (featuring short talk from Shunke Ai, UNLV) PDF

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides
Neutrinos and nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers Gail McLaughlin North Carolina State University Virtual PDF
Numerical simulation for binary neutron star merger, properties of the ejecta, nucleosynthesis Sho Fujibayashi Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics Virtual PDF
Neutrino absorption and neutrino fast flavor oscillations in neutrino-cooled black-hole accretion disks formed as remnants of NS-NS and NS-BH mergers Oliver Just GSI Heavy Ion Research Centre Virtual PDF
Finite-temperature effects in neutron star mergers Carolyn Raithel Institute for Advanced Study In-person
The latest developments of nuclear theory related to the r-process Matthew Mumpower Los Alamos National Laboratory Virtual PDF
Magnetic fields in GRMHD simulations of BNS mergers Pedro Espino University of California Berkeley In-person PDF
Neutrino fast flavour conversion in Neutron Star post merger disks Xinyu Li Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Virtual PDF
Nuclear Equation of State from Astro and Terrestrial Measurements Betty Tsang Michigan State University In-person

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides
R-process nucleosynthesis in neutron-star mergers and other explosive events Daniel Siegel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics In-person PDF
Long term 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of outflows from black hole accretion disks formed in neutron star mergers Steven Fahlman University of Alberta In-person
Impact of asymmetric fermionic and bosonic dark matter on neutron star properties Violetta Sagun University of Coimbra Virtual PDF
Neutrino driven winds from proto neutron stars Dhruv Desai Columbia University In-person PDF
Neutrino-Cooled Accretion Disks using HARM3D+NUC Ariadna Murguia Berthier Northwestern University Virtual
Resolving the fastest ejecta from binary neutron star mergers: Implications for electromagnetic counterparts Coleman Dean University of Alberta In-person PDF
Electromagnetic observations of neutron star mergers to constrain the nuclear equation of state Ryan Foley University of California Santa Cruz Virtual
Neutrino flavor conversion impact on r-process nucleosynthesis from mergers Meng-Ru Wu Academia Sinica Virtual PDF
Signatures of primordial black hole and neutron star interactions Volodymyr Takhistov Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo Virtual PDF

Friday, May 27, 2022

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Slides
The galactic chemical evolution of the Magellanic Clouds Reveal the r-process Enrichment Timescale Kevin Schlaufman Johns Hopkins University In-person PDF
Kilonova r-process models: nuclear physics and atomic opacities. Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo GSI Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt Virtual PDF
Kilonovae from radiative transfer simulations of neutron star mergers Mattia Bulla Stockholm University Virtual PDF
The inferred r-process abundance pattern from the GW170817 kilonova John Ruan Bishop's University In-person
Optical and infrared constraints on the ejecta mass and abundances in kilonovae Charlie Kilpatrick Northwestern University In-person PDF
Observational constraints on r-process production from collapsars Shreya Anand California Institute of Technology In-person PDF
What we learned about the amount of r-process elements produced from binary mergers from LIGO-Virgo's observations Hsin-Yu Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology In-person PDF
r-process in GW objects, collapsars and neutron star mergers, and Galactic chemical evolution Toshitaka Kajino Beihang University, NAOJ, University of Tokyo Virtual PDF