Event Schedule

Astrophysical neutrinos and the origin of the elements

This is an in-person workshop.Talks will be recorded and posted here on the program schedule webpage.

Please note: By attending a program talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct.

Week 2

Monday, July 24, 2023

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Video
Supernova Neutrinos: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities Anthony Mezzacappa University of Tennessee, Knoxville In-person C520 PDF mp4
State of the Art and Future Prospects for Modelling Neutrinos in Neutron Star Mergers Jonah Miller Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF mp4
Moving Supernova Simulations Towards Quantitative Observable Outcomes Bronson Messer ORNL/Univ. of Tennessee In-person C520 PDF mp4
Modeling mergers with delayed black-hole formation all the way from the coalescence to the kilonova Oliver Just GSI Heavy Ion Research Centre In-person C520 PDF mp4
Modeling Multimessenger Magnetized Compact Object Mergers Steve Liebling Long Island University In-person C520 PDF mp4
Energy-integrated Neutrino Transport in Core-collapse Supernovae Haakon Andresen Stockholm University In-person C520 PDF mp4
Reacceleration of Galactic Cosmic Rays Beyond the Knee at the Termination Shock of a Cosmic-Ray-Driven Galactic Wind Payel Mukhopadhyay UC Berkeley In-person C520
A finite element approach to radiation transport on spherical geodesic grids Maitraya Bhattacharyya Penn State University In-person C520 PDF mp4
Dynamics of collapsar disk outflows Coleman Dean University of Alberta In-person C520 PDF mp4

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Video
Global and local simulations of collective neutrino oscillations Zewei Xiong GSI Virtual C520 PDF mp4
Overview: Neutrino mean-field and QKEs in the early universe and compact objects Evan Grohs North Carolina State University In-person C520 PDF mp4
Numerical Methods for Quantum Kinetics Sherwood Richers University of Tennessee Knoxville In-person C520 PDF mp4
Global and asymptotic features of fast neutrino-flavor conversion in supernova and binary neutron star merger Hiroki Nagakura National Astronomical Observatory of Japan In-person C520 PDF mp4
Thermodynamics of oscillating neutrinos Luke Johns UC Berkeley In-person C520 PDF mp4
Collissional Flavor Instability in Neutrino Gases Huaiyu Duan University of New Mexico In-person C520 PDF mp4
Moment neutrino evolution equations: application to fast-flavor instability in neutron star mergers Julien Froustey North Carolina State University / UC Berkeley In-person C520 PDF mp4

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Video
Neutrinos and the origin of the elements Yong-Zhong Qian University of Minnesota In-person C520 PDF mp4
Neutrino-driven outflows inside a supernova I: physical properties and implications for DUNE Alexander Friedland SLAC In-person C520 PDF mp4
Neutrino-driven outflows inside a supernova II: Nu-p process nucleosynthesis Amol Patwardhan SLAC In-person C520 PDF mp4
Neutrino process for 10Be production with updated relevant nuclear reactions Myung-Ki Cheoun Soongsil University In-person C520 PDF mp4
Nucleosynthetic analysis of long-term 3D core-collapse supernova simulations Tianshu Wang Princeton University In-person C520 PDF

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Video
Core-collapse supernovae as probes of (not only) non-standard neutrino physics Anna Suliga UC Berkeley and U of Wisconsin In-person C520 PDF mp4
Evolution of Tau-Neutrino Lepton Number in Proto-neutron stars for Active-Sterile Neutrino Mixing Anupam Ray UC Berkeley In-person C520 PDF
Hot and Dense QCD Matter: An update Thomas Schaefer N Carolina State University In-person C520 PDF mp4
Chiral EFT calculation of neutrino reactions in warm neutron-rich matter Ermal Rrapaj UC Berkeley In-person C520
Dense and hot baryonic matter: equation of state and neutrinos Armen Sedrakian Wroclaw University In-person C520 PDF mp4
Large-scale tabulated neutrino opacity table for next-generation CCSNe/BNS simulations Zidu Lin University of Tennessee, Knoxville In-person C520 PDF mp4
Quarkyonic duality in dense matter Yuki Fujimoto Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person C520 PDF mp4

Friday, July 28, 2023

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Video
Astrophysical neutrinos and nucleosynthesis: recent progress Amol Patwardhan SLAC In-person C520 mp4
Astrophysical neutrinos and the origin of the elements: What’s next? Irene Tamborra Niels Bohr Institute In-person C520 PDF mp4
Discussion George Fuller University of California San Diego In-person C520