Event Schedule

QCD at the Femtoscale in the Era of Big Data

All time info is in Pacific Time (UTC -7); please convert accordingly. This is an in-person program. 

Program talks will take place in room C421.

Please note: By attending a program talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct.

Week 2

Monday, June 17, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Studies of GPDs and gravitational form factors at Fermilab and KEK Shunzo Kumano Japan Women's University / KEK In-person C421 PDF
Making a Case for Simultaneous Co-scheduling of Heterogeneous Processors Wu Feng Virginia Tech In-person C421 PDF

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Nucleon Structure from LQCD using the pseudo-PDF Framework David Richards Jefferson Laboratory In-person C421 PDF
Three Dimensional Nucleon Structure with AI/ML Alexei Prokudin Penn State University Berks In-person C421 PDF

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Initial Attempts of Solving DGLAP w/ A Finite-Element Method Pi-Yueh Chuang Virginia Tech In-person C421 PDF
The HPC Balancing Act Niteya Shah Virginia Tech In-person C421 PDF

Friday, June 21, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
PDF Resolutions Daniel Adamiak Jefferson Lab In-person C421 PDF
TMD extraction with NN Chiara Bissolotti Argonne National Laboratory In-person C421 PDF