Event Schedule

Heavy Ion Physics in the EIC Era

All time info is in Pacific Time (UTC -7); please convert accordingly. This is an in-person program. 

Program talks will take place in room C421.

Please note: By attending a program talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct.

Week 2

Monday, August 5, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
EFT for inclusive jet production in Heavy Ion Collision Varun Vaidya University of South Dakota In-person C421 PDF
Coffee Break

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Quarkonium transport in weakly and strongly coupled plasmas Bruno Scheihing Hitschfeld Massachusetts Institute of Technology In-person C421 PDF
Coffee Break
Modification of Hard Probes of the QGP due to Collective Flow-Induced Jet Drift Joseph Bahder New Mexico State University In-person C421 PDF

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Factorization for energy energy correlators in HIC Balbeer Singh University of South Dakota In-person C421 PDF
Coffee Break
Renormalization group approach to collinear parton production in nuclear matter Ivan Vitev Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C421 PDF

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Adiabatic Hydrodynamization and the Emergence of Attractors Bruno Scheihing Hitschfeld Massachusetts Institute of Technology In-person C421 PDF
Coffee Break
Jet evolution in structured matter Joao Barata BNL In-person C421 PDF

Friday, August 9, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Probing fundamentals of QCD with DIS Event Shapes Christopher Lee Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C421 PDF
Coffee Break
Heavy-flavour jet substructure at the LHC Oleh Fedkevych Georgia State University and Jefferson Lab In-person C421 PDF

Monday, August 19, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Quantum dynamics of entanglement and hadronization in jet production in the massive Schwinger model David Frenklakh Stony Brook University In-person C421 PDF