Event Schedule

Heavy Ion Physics in the EIC Era

All time info is in Pacific Time (UTC -7); please convert accordingly. This is an in-person program. 

Program talks will take place in room C421.

Please note: By attending a program talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct.

Week 4

Monday, August 19, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Opening Sanjay Reddy Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person C520 PDF
ALICE perspective of the past, present and future of heavy ion physics Friederike Bock Oak Ridge National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF
Synergies between the ATLAS Heavy Ion and the EIC Physics Programs Riccardo Longo University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Gluon double-spin asymmetry at small-x in longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC Ming Li Ohio State University In-person C520 PDF
On the trail of collinear logs in gluon distributions at small x Yacine Mehtar-Tani Brookhaven National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF
Lunch break
CMS UPC measurements and connections with EIC future measurements Gian Michele Innocenti Massachusetts Institute of Technology In-person C520 PDF
UPC physics with ALICE in Run 3 and Run 4 Daniel Tapia Takaki The University of Kansas In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Significance of Isolated Non-Prompt Photons on Photon-Triggered Jet Observables Chathuranga Sirimanna Duke University In-person C520 PDF

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Video
Final-state interactions in heavy-ion collisions with CMS Austin Baty University of Illinois Chicago In-person C520 PDF
Heavy ions at LHCb and connections to EIC Matt Durham Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Jet substructure at RHIC and LHC Oleh Fedkevych Georgia State University In-person C520 PDF
Anisotropic jet broadening and jet shape John Terry LANL In-person C520 PDF
Lunch break In-person C520
Uncovering the jet wake Peter Jacobs Lawrence Berkeley Lab In-person C520 Slides
Overview of hadron production measurements in relativistic ion collisions Mariia Mitrankova Stony Brook University In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Causal and stable hydrodynamics including statistical and quantum fluctuations Matthias Kaminski University of Alabama In-person C520 PDF
Novel energy loss mechanism in the chiral media Kirill Tuchin Iowa State University In-person C520 PDF

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Overview of the latest PHENIX results Iurii Mitrankov Stony Brook University In-person C520 PDF
STAR heavy ions perspectives Grigory Nigmatkulov University of Illinois at Chicago In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Structure of the proton from lattice QCD: 1-D and beyond Martha Constantinou Temple University Virtual C520 PDF
Toward a first-principles description of transverse momentum dependent Drell-Yan production in proton-nucleus collisions Ivan Vitev Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF
Lunch break
sPHENIX perspectives from HIC to EIC Jin Huang BNL Virtual C520 PDF
Measurement of the sensitivity of two-particle correlations in pp collisions to the presence of hard scatterings Soumya Mohapatra Columbia University In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Small x and diffraction at the EIC Anna Stasto Penn State University Virtual C520 PDF
Unveiling the Sea: Identifying Quark Distributions in the Color Glass Condensate Farid Salazar Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person C520 PDF

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Links
ePIC experiment developments, connections and perspectives on heavy ion physics Olga Evdokimov UIC In-person C520 PDF
Connections between exclusive program at EIC and ultra-peripheral collisions Spencer Klein Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person C520
Nucleon tomography in the threshold limit Dingyu Shao Fudan University Virtual C520 PDF
QGP transport from holography Alex Buchel Western University/Perimeter Institute In-person C520 PDF
Lunch break
Recent EIC heavy flavor studies Xuan Li Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF
Assessing di-hadron measurements at RHIC and the LHC as signals of saturation Dennis Perepelitsa University of Colorado Boulder In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Classical and quantum computing of shear viscosity for 2+1D SU(2) pure gauge theory Xiaojun Yao University of Washington Virtual C520 PDF
Hadronization in vacuum and in medium using Hybrid Hadronization Rainer Fries Texas A&M University In-person C520

Friday, August 23, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Normalizing Flows for Bayesian Posteriors Yukari Yamauchi Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person C520 PDF
Measuring jet quenching with Bayesian inference Raymond Ehlers Lawrence Berkeley National Lab/UC Berkeley In-person C520 PDF
Coffee break In-person
Summary and discussion Yang-Ting Chien Georgia State University In-person C520 PDF