Event Schedule

Inverse Problems and Uncertainty Quantification in Nuclear Physics

All time info is in Pacific Time (UTC -7); please convert accordingly.

This is a hybrid workshop. There will be in-person and virtual participants. The talks will not be recorded.

All talks this week will take place in room C520.

Please note: By attending a workshop talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct

Week 1

Monday, July 8, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Welcome to the INT Sanjay Reddy Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person C520
Workshop Introduction The Organizers In-person C520
Bayesian inference and uncertainty quantification in ab initio nuclear theory Andreas Ekström Chalmers University of Technology In-person C520 PDF
Bayesian inference and gaussian processes for PDF determination Tommaso Giani Nikhef In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person
Bayesian Inference of (3+1)D Relativistic Nuclear Dynamics from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan Data Chun Shen Wayne State University In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520
Systematic uncertainties in high energy nuclear physics measurements Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli Vanderbilt University Virtual C520 PDF
Static computational budget optimization with stochastic simulations Jean-Francois Paquet Vanderbilt University In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person
Epistemic uncertainties on parton distributions Pavel Nadolsky Southern Methodist University In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Summary of INT program 24-2A Nobuo Sato Jefferson Lab In-person C520 PDF
Global Analysis of TSSAs: Transversity, Nucleon Tensor Charges, and the Role of Lattice QCD Daniel Pitonyak Lebanon Valley College In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person C520
The Sins of the Priors: Inverse Problems and Statistical Estimation M. Coleman Miller University of Maryland In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520
Probe and Prejudice: Joint nuclear-physics and multi-messenger constraints on the neutron star equation of state Tim Dietrich University Potsdam In-person C520 PDF
Statistical distributions of compact remnants from supernovae and the nuclear equation of state Carla Frohlich NC State University In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person C520
Bayesian analysis of neutrino emissions from core-collapse supernovae: what can we learn from neutrino messengers? Zidu Lin University of Tennessee, Knoxville In-person C520
Discussion In-person C520

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Advances and challenges for ab initio calculations of medium-mass to heavy nuclei and dense matter Achim Schwenk TU Darmstadt In-person C520 PDF
Emulators for Inverse Problems in Dense Matter Physics Rahul Somasundaram Syracuse University In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person C520
Fast and Fewer: Speeding up and orthogonalizing nuclear models for UQ Pablo Giuliani Michigan State University In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520
R ratio form Lattice QCD using Bayesian Reconstruction Jian Liang South China Normal University In-person C520 PDF
Pi N states in nucleon two-, three-, and four-point functions in lattice QCD Keh-Fei Liu University of Kentucky In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person C520
Analysis of nucleon excited states from lattice QCD with the Bayesian Reconstruction Bigeng Wang University of Kentucky In-person C520 PDF
From Mathematics to Algorithms— Obtaining Spectral Information from Real- and Imaginary-Time Response Functions Emanuel Gull University of Michigan In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Deblurring for Nuclei: Triple-Differential Yields in Heavy-Ion Collisions Pawel Danielewicz Michigan State University In-person C520 PDF
Workflows for Uncertainty Quantification on High-Performance Computing Resources and Lattice QCD Measurements Henry Monge Camacho ORNL In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person C520
Explicit Estimation of Truncation Uncertainties in Chiral EFT Sven Heihoff Ruhr University Bochum In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520
Machine learning and uncertainty quantification for ground state masses Matthew Mumpower Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C520
Taming the inverse problem in Lattice QCD calculations of hadron structures Raza Sufian Brookhaven National Lab Virtual C520
Coffee Break In-person C520
Perspectives for Accessible and Reproducible Bayesian Workflows Kyle Godbey FRIB In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520

Friday, July 12, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
The EXCLAIM collaboration Highlights and Recent Results on Deeply Virtual Exclusive Processes Simonetta Liuti University of Virginia In-person C520 PDF
Generalized parton distributions: an especially tricky inverse problem Adam Freese Jefferson Lab In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person C520
Heavy-Ion model studies with Bayesian analysis Yi Chen Vanderbilt University In-person C520 PDF
Discussion In-person C520
The nucleon-nucleus scattering and structure: Markov-chain Monte Carlo parameter inference for a phenomenological dispersive optical-model potential Salvatore Simone Perrotta Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory In-person C520 PDF
Closing In-person C520