Event Schedule

N3AS-INT Joint Workshop: EOS Measurements with Next-Generation Gravitational-Wave Detectors

All time info is in Pacific Time (UTC -7); please convert accordingly. This is an in-person program. 

Talks will take place in room C520.

Please note: By attending a program talk, participants agree to abide by the INT Code of Conduct.

Week 1

Monday, August 26, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Welcome Sanjay Reddy Institute for Nuclear Theory In-person C520 PDF
From Low to High Densities: an Application of Bayesian Model Mixing to the Dense Matter EOS Christian Drischler Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics In-person C520 PDF
First-order nucleon-to-quark phase transition: Thermodynamically-consistent constructions other than Maxwell and Gibbs Constantinos Constantinou INFN-TIFPA In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person
Characterizing the nuclear models informed by PREX and CREX Tianqi Zhao UC Berkeley In-person C520 PDF
Nuclear Matter Equation of State from In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group Kang Yu Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University In-person C520 PDF
Lunch + Unstructured Time
Panel: Ab-Initio Methods & Phase Transitions Ingo Tews (Moderator) Los Alamos National Laboratory In-person C520

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Which phase transitions are possible in neutron stars? Jan-Erik Christian Universität Hamburg In-person C520 PDF
Deconfinement transition at high isospin chemical potential Srimoyee Sen Iowa State University In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person
MREX: The Mainz Radius EXperiment Concettina Sfienti Johannes Gutenberg University In-person C520 PDF
You cannot extract neutron-skin thickness from coherent π0 photoproduction off nuclei Pierre Capel Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz In-person C520 PDF
Lunch + Unstructured Time
Panel: Neutron Skins Betty Tsang (Moderator) Michigan State University In-person C520

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides Links
Heavy-ion collision measurements in early FRIB and a look towards FRIB400 Kyle Brown Michigan State University In-person C520
Non-monotonic specific entropy along first-order phase transition Maneesha Sushama Pradeep University of Maryland at College Park In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person
Terrestrial Messengers for Nuclear Equation of State Betty Tsang Michigan State University In-person C520
Self-consistent T-matrix approach to strongly interacting QGP at finite baryon density Konstantin Maslov University of Houston In-person C520
Lunch + Unstructured Time
Panel: Collider Experiments & QGP Concettina Sfienti Johannes Gutenberg University In-person C520

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Correlations and Semi-Universal Analytic Inversion of the TOV Equation Jim Lattimer Stony Brook University In-person C520 PDF
Effect of increasingly accurate mass and radius measurements on predictions for nuclear and neutron star crust properties William Newton Texas A&M University-Commerce In-person C520 PDF
Unified equations of state for neutron stars Nicolas Chamel Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person
Constraining the dense matter equation of state with new NICER mass-radius measurements and new chiral effective field theory inputs Melissa Mendes Institut für Kernphysik In-person C520
Gravitational Wave frequencies and the nuclear EOS in Core-Collapse Supernovae Carla Frohlich NC State University In-person C520
Lunch + Unstructured Time
Panel: Neutron Stars Christian Drischler (Moderator) Ohio University In-person C520

Friday, August 30, 2024

Start Time Presentation Title Presenter Presenter Organization Format Location Slides
Measuring nuclear physics with Cosmic Explorer Duncan Brown Syracuse University In-person C520 PDF
Joint Inference of cosmology and neutron star equation of state from dark binary neutron stars Sukanta Bose Washington State University In-person C520
Inferring chiral three-nucleon forces from third-generation gravitational-wave detectors Rahul Somasundaram Syracuse University In-person C520 PDF
Coffee Break In-person
Symmetry energy and its effect on structure and composition of the neutron stars: implications to model inference Arunava Mukherjee Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics In-person C520 PDF
Simultaneously Constraining the Neutron Star Equation of State and Mass Distribution through Multimessenger Observations and Nuclear Benchmarks Bhaskar Biswas Hamburg Observatory In-person C520 PDF
Lunch + Unstructured Time
Panel: Multimessenger EOS Inference with Binary Neutron Stars Philippe Landry (Moderator) University of Toronto In-person C520